Monday, 16 May 2011

Wicklow Way: Stage 1: Marlay Park to Knockree

Lovely farmers market in Marlay Park for coffee and cakes to energize the body for stage 1 of the wicklow way.  A daunting thought of 21Km and 600m climb. Fantastic signage so that was a relief. Interesting start through the Park and walk over the Little Dargle River. Under the motorway and up by St Columba's College. The way passes through Kilmashogue Wood with interesting views of the city. Leaving the forrest track, the way winds onto open moorland of heather and gorse and views of Tibradden Mountain on the right and Fairy Castle on the left. The Way drops into the Glendoo Valley with stunning views of the Sugar Loaf. The Way meets the public road for a short stretch  and crosses the Glencullen river through Boranarltry. Another forest walk where the way climbs Glencullen mountain with stunning views of killiney and Bray. Down around Ravens rock. Views of Maulin and Djouce mountains and a drop into Curtlestown Wood where we joined the road again for Knockcree where stage 1 ends. A good 5 1/2 hours of challenging terrain.

1 comment:

  1. Mary - Great idea - looking forward to updates as well as participating. Eddie T
